Say hello to Tom!

When we started 2021, we had no idea what the year would have in store for us. We started the year as just the two of us and there was a fair amount of uncertainty around how the latest lockdown would impact our work, from both a technical and financial standpoint. We had to trust that we would come out the other end fairly unscathed, which is never where you want to be as a business.
6 months on from that point, we’re thrilled that we’ve not only been fortunate enough to bring in the extremely talented Dan as our Head Animator, but we our now adding our second person in Tom, our Client Partner. When we began talking about the prospect of growing our team here at Neck of the Woods Films, these were always the first two people we wanted to hire. It was important to us that hiring wasn’t about increasing the amount of video projects we could take on, but about improving the offering we could provide to our existing clients. Whilst Dan is coming up with new and creative ways of visualising our client’s stories through animation, Tom is here to make sure that our clients are getting the best they can out of their videos and ensuring we’re doing their storytellers justice.
The thing with film projects is that they can take a long time, and often spend months in the making. Some of the time we’re there the whole time, other times we get involved much later in the process, but our favourite way to work is to be there from the ground up. Bringing Tom onboard means that there’s now someone on the team who’s sole responsibility it is to be involved in these conversations from the very beginning. We can now better help our clients and collaborators to shape their ideas so that they’re not only making great looking films, but films that make an impact and drive action.
Tom has a huge range of experiences working with clients on complex projects and long term strategies, and he’ll be bringing this experience with him. He’s going to be working to make sure we get to the very heart of what our clients are looking to achieve with their videos, understanding their goals and audiences and making sure that the films we create are as impactful as they can be – reaching the people they are designed to reach. He’ll also be keeping our clients up to date with the developments happening at Neck of the Woods Films and how any changes can strengthen the films we are creating for them.
We are so excited to have Tom on board, and we wish him a very warm welcome to team!
We know that Tom is super keen to meet as many of our clients and collaborators as possible, so feel free to reach out to him on